
Friday, May 22, 2020

Come Take A Peek At This Fantastic Maramataka Blog Post.

Yesterday we learnt about Moon phases as a part of our maramataka study.
First I decided what Moon phases mahi I would do. Next, I planned out a simple sketch as a plan for the real deal.
I got my pencil and book and I started my work with the date and the title, “Moon Phases” and proceeded to sketch out a similar plan to the example on the table. And by Thursday I was finished.

I thought hard about being by myself or getting help from someone else.

The moment I most enjoyed while working on my Moon phases work was when me and my
partner Zyah were tracing the moons and gluing them onto the sheet of black paper.

What did you enjoy most about my blog post??
Do you know anything about maramataka?

I thank you for spending your time reading my blog post.