
Monday, November 30, 2020

The Fantastic Purpose Of A Blog Post.

Last week me and my class was learning about the purpose of a blog post. Now I know that the three purposes of a blog post is: to teach others, to share my knowledge and to get some feedback.

It was fun to make! The characters are cute! And it's nice, sorta. But I could've made the characters a little smaller and the speech boxes cause it looks too wordy or much, and inside it makes me uncomfortable but, other then that it's great!

Have you done this before? What would you rate it? Let me know in the comments below.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Magnificent book clubs.

Hello and this week I have been doing book clubs. 

Book clubs are when the teachers put out some interesting books (there are copies of them underneath) and you get to choose which one you get to read for the week, whoever else picks that book is in your group and you have to work with them for the week.

The teacher will give you a booklet which you will do most of the work in, then you have to get a ticket which you have to fill out. You will have to figure out how many pages a day you have to read in a week and read that many pages. While you read you have to fill out your ticket, for example one of the things you have to fill out: Figurative Language.

The book I am currently reading is called, "Rising Tide". Rising Tide is about a boy named Ari McInnis, and he thinks he's just an ordinary kid. Ari likes it that he thinks that he's just a ordinary kid but, he's got some secrets he doesn't wanna spill to anyone. But something is threatening to tell his secrets. 

Here's a photo of the book, the booklet I am currently working on and a ticket completed by me.

Have you been in a book club before? If so, what is your favorite job?

Thank you for reading my blog! :D